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Common Types of Premises Liability Cases in Tampa

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Posted on September 12, 2024

When you enter someone else’s property in Tampa, Florida, you have the legal right to expect it to be reasonably safe and free from injury risks. If you sustain a serious injury while on private or public property, you could be eligible for financial compensation through a premises liability case. This type of claim holds a property owner responsible for preventable accidents that occur on the premises.

What Is a Premises Liability Case?

Under Florida law, the owner of a piece of property, including a private residence or business, has a legal responsibility to maintain a premises that is reasonably free of hazards. The owner must keep the property in a safe condition through proper maintenance and control. The failure to fulfill this duty of care can create liability (financial responsibility) if a visitor is injured as a result.

Slip and Fall Accidents

If a property contains unsafe floors or walking surfaces, a harmful slip and fall accident could take place. Common hazards are slippery or wet floors, a lack of warning signs, spilled liquids and food debris, uneven flooring and curbs, cracked floors, cluttered walkways, and inadequate lighting. If the owner of the premises should have discovered and repaired the slip or trip risk prior to the accident, he or she can be held liable for related visitor injuries.

Poor Property Maintenance

Poor maintenance in general could lead to a range of hazards that threaten the safety of guests and visitors. At a school, for example, a lack of maintenance could contribute to dangerous playground structures, sharp objects, rusted metal, and trip and fall hazards. Property owners have a responsibility to adequately maintain their premises to keep them clear of injury risks before welcoming visitors.

Dog Bites

If a property owner is harboring any animals, he or she is responsible for keeping visitors safe from them. Failing to properly control or contain an animal could place liability on the owner for an incident such as a dog bite or animal attack. The owner of the animal may be liable for the victim’s medical care, surgeries, treatments, lost wages, pain and suffering, scarring and disfigurement, or wrongful death.

Swimming Pool Accidents

A swimming pool is a dangerous property element that must be properly controlled by the owner at all times. In Florida, the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act requires owners to implement at least one safety feature, such as a barrier or self-latching gate, to prevent children from entering the pool area unattended. The failure to do so could lead to liability for a drowning accident.

Negligent Security

It is a property owner’s responsibility to keep a premises safe and secure from trespassers and would-be criminals. If the area has a history of crime, the property owner has a duty to implement proper security measures, such as a security guard, surveillance cameras, gates and fences, and security lights. Negligent or inadequate security can make an individual or business liable for injuries from criminal attacks, such as physical or sexual assaults.

Toxic Exposure

A business owner, manufacturer, employer or private property owner could be held liable for a visitor’s exposure to toxic substances if it results in injury or illness. Examples include exposure to lead, which can result in lead poisoning, or exposure to asbestos, which can cause mesothelioma and other health problems. Property owners in Tampa have a responsibility to safeguard visitors from harmful chemicals and substances on the premises.

If you have been injured on someone else’s property in Tampa, discuss a potential premises liability case with a lawyer during a free consultation at Vanguard Attorneys.