What to Do After a Slip and Fall Accident in Tampa
Get a Free ConsultationA slip or trip and fall accident can result in painful and debilitating injuries, including a broken hip or concussion. It is important to know what steps to take after a slip and fall in Tampa to optimize your chances of securing a financial recovery. Request assistance from the Tampa personal injury lawyers at Vanguard Attorneys at any time during your slip and fall accident case by scheduling a free consultation.
Stop and Check for Injuries
When someone falls, it is often their first instinct to jump back to their feet out of embarrassment. However, it is important to remain still and limit your movements until you can determine whether you have been injured. Moving the wrong way could exacerbate an injury, such as a serious spinal cord injury. Remain where you are and check for pain, swelling, bleeding, numbness, tingling or other signs of injury.
Report the Slip and Fall Accident
Notify someone on the premises about your accident right away. Tell the owner of the property or a manager or supervisor of the establishment, if you are at a business. If you were injured in a slip and fall at work, report it to your employer without delay. Request an official accident report for your records.
Seek Immediate Medical Care
Go to the nearest hospital in Tampa or your regular doctor for a checkup without delay. It is important not to wait to seek medical care. Waiting too long could risk your physical health. It can also make it more difficult to secure fair compensation from an insurance company, as the insurer may try to blame you for the extent of your slip and fall accident injuries due to the delay in care. Keep copies of your medical records and hospital bills.
Document the Accident
Do your best to document the slip and fall accident before you leave the scene. Write down a detailed description of what happened in your own words. If there are any witnesses, get their information. Take photos of the defect or condition that caused your slip and fall accident. Look around to see if any security or surveillance cameras may have recorded the accident. Keep the clothes and shoes you were wearing at the time of the fall.
File an Insurance Claim
Report the slip and fall accident to the property owner’s insurance provider as soon as possible – ideally, within a few days. You can find this information online if you were injured at a major retailer or big box store, such as a grocery store or shopping mall. You can also contact the property owner to obtain this information. Report the slip and fall accident to the insurer, and do not admit fault.
Protect Yourself During the Claims Process
Do not make the mistake of trusting an insurance company or one of its claims adjusters during your slip and fall accident case. The insurer will want to minimize your financial recovery to maximize its own profits as much as possible.
Protect yourself by refusing to give a recorded statement, giving short and concise answers to questions, not posting on social media, not signing anything sent to you by an insurer, and consulting with an attorney before accepting a settlement.
Contact a Tampa Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer
If you have suffered an injury due to a slip and fall accident, consult with a Tampa slip and fall accident attorney about your eligibility to obtain financial compensation from a property owner. While no amount of money can make up for a serious slip and fall injury, a fair settlement from the property owner’s insurance company can help you move forward with less financial stress.
To request a free consultation regarding a slip and fall accident case in Tampa, contact Vanguard Attorneys at (813) 471-4444.